Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 39020 Five Mile Road, Livonia MI      ~      Meetings Monday 7:30-9:00p


Michigan Crossroads Council, Sunset District
William J. McCarley II, Scoutmaster
Jackie Norin, Committee Chair

Troop 782 is based in Livonia MI, and has been chartered since 1954.  Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (39020 Five Mile Road, in Livonia) is the chartering organization.  The unit is "boy-centric" and varies in size from 50-80 registered active Scouts, and 10-20 registered active leaders.  The troop meets Mondays 7:30-9:00p during the school year, with no meetings on LPS breaks / holidays.  

From the troop, 329 Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout Award since 1961.  The unit has an extensive First Year Program to help new Scouts learn basic Scouting skills (camping, cooking, first aid, hiking, and other outdoor skills) with several campouts during the year, summer camp typically  in late June, and usually a High Adventure excursion - Philmont, Northern Tier, and Florida Sea Base - on a rotating schedule.

This site provides information to troop membership, friends, and interested parties about upcoming events. Visitors who are interested in learning more about T782 are encouraged to explore this site and e-mail any questions to the Scoutmaster, Mr. Bill McCarley II.

CLICK HERE for the latest version of the Aerie!

CLICK HERE for the permission slip to Smithville Landing Canoe Trip 2022!

Click T782 COVID-19 Prescreen Form to complete and submit your current screening info BEFORE attending any troop event.

CLICK HERE for the latest Annual Health and Medical Record (AMHR), Parts A through C.
For annual records, all Scouts and leaders need Parts A and B1/B2 on file.
For summer camp and High Adventure participants, all parts including C (physician assessment) are required.

Stay up-to-date with all troop activities.
To get on the troop email list, CLICK HERE!






Forms & Perm Slips




Adult Leaders


Patrol Roster/TLC


First Year Program


Troop History


782 Eagle Scouts


Philmont Crew Pics

This site is © Copyright BSA Troop 782, Livonia, MI 2001-2020, All Rights Reserved.

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