Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 39020 Five Mile Rd, Livonia MI ~ Meetings:  Monday, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm


Adult Leaders

These are the adults who oil the gears of Troop 782.
The volunteers plan the advancement calendar and activity calendar for the year.
Please send an to Mr. McCarley to be included/removed from this list.

Ron Blaisdell
Judy Boyle
Tim Boyle
Dave Burdette
Todd Callicoat
Jim Haupt
Cindy Immonen
John Immonen
Matt Jenks
Craig Jones
Jim Krazel
Bob Magill
Sam Mazzara
Bill McCarley Scoutmaster
Bill McCarley III
Terry McMillan
Kristen Miney
Jason Nesler
Bill Nielsen
David Norin
Ray Rauen
Shirley Rauen
Rod Reppenhagen
Andrew Roaden
Laura Roaden
Mark Sauntry
Jim Seay
Beth Soullier
Roberto Teran
Frank Thompson
Pete Tsaprazis
Brad Vande Kieft
Greg Weglarz
Kathy Weinberg
Jim Yurgil
John Yurgil







Forms & Perm Slips




Adult Leaders


Patrol Roster/TLC


First Year Program


Troop History


782 Eagle Scouts


Philmont Crew Pics

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